All Emojis

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objects 🚽

3 emojis
3 4


The emoji "🚽" is a picture of a toilet. It is commonly used to represent the act of going to the bathroom or...

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4 0


The emoji πŸͺ  depicts a hand saw, a tool used for cutting or sawing through materials such as wood or metal. This emoji...

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6 0

roll of paper

The emoji "🧻" is called "Roll of Paper." It depicts a roll of toilet paper, which is a personal hygiene product used to...

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symbols 🚹️

4 emojis
8 0

men’s room

The emoji 🚹️ depicts a man in a silhouette form, with a hat, and is standing in front of a restroom or toilet...

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6 0

women’s room

The emoji 🚺 is a stylized image of a woman, often shown with a dress and long hair. It is commonly used to...

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5 0


The emoji 🚻 is known as the "Women's Room" or "Female Toilet" symbol. It depicts the commonly used sign for a women's restroom,...

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12 0

water closet

The emoji 🚾 depicts a toilet, and it is commonly used to represent the need to use the restroom or to refer to...

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