♈️All symbols Emojis

Unlock the Power of symbols: Decode Their Meanings and Significance 🔣

we found 224 symbols emojis
7469 0


The emoji ♈️ is the astrological symbol for Aries, the first sign of the zodiac in western astrology. People born between March 21...

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8900 1


The emoji ♉️ is the zodiac symbol for Taurus, which is the second astrological sign in the present zodiac system. People born between...

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3492 0


This emoji is the Leo zodiac sign, represented by the symbol ♌. This emoji is often used in relation to astrology and horoscopes,...

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5087 3


The ♋ emoji is the zodiac sign for Cancer, which is represented by the crab. People born between June 21 and July 22 fall...

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7929 0


The emoji ♊ represents the zodiac sign of Gemini, which is the third astrological sign in the present zodiac system. People born between...

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19459 2025


The emoji you provided is the "Scorpio" symbol, which is represented by the astrological sign for the eighth zodiac sign in the Western...

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3323 2


The emoji you provided is the zodiac symbol for Libra, which is the seventh astrological sign in the Zodiac. People born between September...

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6604 0


The emoji ♍, also known as "Virgo," is the astrological sign for people born between August 23 and September 22. It is depicted...

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17472 0


The emoji ♓️ is the zodiac symbol for Pisces, the twelfth sign of the zodiac in astrology. People born between February 19 and...

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7536 0


The emoji ♒️ represents the astrological sign of Aquarius, which is typically depicted as a water bearer. People born between January 20 and...

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8789 1


The emoji ♐️, also known as Sagittarius, represents the astrological sign associated with people born between November 22 and December 21. This fire...

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8379 1


The emoji ♑️ is the astrological symbol for Capricorn, which is the tenth sign of the zodiac in astrology. People born between December...

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18562 0

red exclamation mark

The "❗️" emoji is a combination of an exclamation mark and a white circle. It is used to draw attention to something important...

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12513 1

red question mark

This emoji is a white question mark inside a dark blue circle. It is commonly used in digital communication to represent a question...

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11665 0


The Ophiuchus ⛎ emoji represents the zodiac constellation of Ophiuchus, also known as Serpentarius. This constellation is located around the celestial equator and is...

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3703 2


The emoji "🆘" is a red circle with a white exclamation mark and a thin white border, depicted inside a larger white square....

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4191 0


The "⁉️" emoji is a combination of the "?" (question mark) and "!" (exclamation mark) symbols, which are used to convey a sense...

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5660 0

mobile phone off

The emoji "📴" is called "Mobile Phone Off" or "Cell Phone Off." It shows a mobile phone with a diagonal line across it,...

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14999 0

biohazard sign

The emoji "☣️" is commonly known as the "Biohazard" symbol. It is used to indicate the presence of biological hazards or substances that...

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18130 1


The emoji ⚠️, also known as Warning, is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside. It is used to indicate a potential...

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5795 2

radioactive sign

The emoji "☢️" is a radiation symbol, featuring a circle with three curved bars and two straight ones crossing through it. This symbol...

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14791 0


The emoji "🆓" is the symbol for "free" or "freedom." It can be used to indicate that something is available at no cost,...

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9543 0


The ♻️ emoji is the recycling symbol, made up of three arrows forming a triangle. This symbol is commonly used to represent recycling,...

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2310 0


The emoji "🆕" is called "New" and it represents something that is fresh, modern, or recently created. This symbol can be used to...

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27181 1

check mark button

The ✅ emoji is a white check mark in a square box, often used to indicate that something is correct, completed, or approved....

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6240 1


The UP 🆙 emoji typically represents upward movement, progress, or improvement. It portrays a blue square with the word "UP" written in white capital...

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2691 0


The emoji "🆒" is commonly referred to as "cool" or "rad." It is used to express approval, appreciation, or admiration for something that...

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9201 0


The "🔢" emoji is a numeric value symbol that represents a range or sequence of numbers. It can be used to convey a...

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15627 4

put litter in its place

The emoji 🚮 is a picture of a trash can or dumpster, often used online to represent the idea of throwing something away...

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8473 3


The "OK" emoji, denoted by the symbol 🆗, is a graphical representation of a checkmark enclosed in a circle. This emoji is often used...

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8269 35

yin yang

The "☯️" emoji is also known as the "Yin Yang" symbol. It represents the concept of duality and balance in Chinese philosophy, where...

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45874 2

peace symbol

The emoji "☮️" is known as the "Peace Symbol." It represents a universal symbol for peace, unity, and harmony, and is often used...

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16829 2

heavy multiplication x

This emoji is a black circle with a diagonal line through it, also known as the "prohibited" or "not allowed" symbol. It is...

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15877 6


The "plus" emoji, shown as a white plus sign inside a red or blue square, is often used to represent the mathematical operation...

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13294 3

curly loop

This emoji is a loop or circle that is curving around and touching itself, creating a spiral or swirl effect. It can be...

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16508 1


This emoji is a circle with a circular arrow that curves around it in a continuous loop. It is often used to represent...

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15456 3


The infinity symbol, depicted as ♾, is a mathematical symbol that represents an infinite quantity or a value that is unbounded or endless....

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9721 0


This emoji is a fraction slash, which is often used to represent a fraction in written form. It consists of a horizontal line...

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10588 0

wavy dash

The "〰️" emoji is a series of three horizontal waves, often used to represent sound waves, wifi or bluetooth signals, or to convey...

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32486 1


The emoji you provided is a vertical bar, also known as a "pipe" symbol. It is a typographical mark used to indicate division...

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5515 0


The "TM" emoji, which is displayed as "™️," is a symbol that represents trademark ownership or protection. It is used to indicate that...

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12374 0


This emoji is known as "copyright symbol" or "copyright mark." It is used to indicate that the content it precedes is protected by...

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5662 0


This emoji shows a circle with a registered trademark symbol (®) in the center. It is used to indicate that a product, service,...

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42 0

potable water

The "🚰" emoji is a picture of a drinking fountain or water dispenser. It is often used to represent the idea of drinking...

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68 1

men’s room

The emoji 🚹️ depicts a man in a silhouette form, with a hat, and is standing in front of a restroom or toilet...

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49 0

women’s room

The emoji 🚺 is a stylized image of a woman, often shown with a dress and long hair. It is commonly used to...

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52 0


The emoji 🚻 is known as the "Women's Room" or "Female Toilet" symbol. It depicts the commonly used sign for a women's restroom,...

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8 42

baby symbol

This emoji depicts a baby changing station, often found in public restrooms. It is used to indicate the presence of a facility for...

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21 0

water closet

The emoji 🚾 depicts a toilet, and it is commonly used to represent the need to use the restroom or to refer to...

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45 3

passport control

The emoji "🛂" is called "Passport Control" and it depicts a passport being checked by a customs officer. This emoji is often used...

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10 0


The emoji 🛃 is called "Customs" and it depicts a person standing behind a desk with a sign that says "Customs" above them....

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91 0

baggage claim

The emoji 🛄 is a suitcase with a handle and two wheels, often used to represent travel, packing, or moving. It can indicate...

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23 0

left luggage

The emoji 🛅 is a symbol for a cloakroom or luggage storage room. It depicts a room with several hooks or coat hangers...

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87 0

children crossing

The emoji 🚸 is known as "School Crossing" or "School Zone." It depicts a sign with a silhouette of a person crossing the...

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31 2

no entry

The emoji "⛔️" is a red circle with a diagonal line through it, also known as the "prohibited" or "not allowed" symbol. This...

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14 1


The "Prohibited" emoji, depicted as a circle with a diagonal line through it, is used to indicate that something is not allowed or...

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25 0

no bicycles

The "🚳" emoji depicts a red and white sign with a slash through a bicycle, indicating a "No Bicycles" restriction. This emoji is...

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14 0

no smoking

The "No Smoking" emoji, depicted as a circle with a diagonal line through it and a representation of a cigarette in the center,...

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74 0

no littering

The "🚯" emoji is a symbol for a trash can or garbage bin. It is often used to represent the act of throwing...

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34 0

non-potable water

The "🚱" emoji is a symbol that represents a "No Water" sign. It is often used to indicate that water is not available...

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61 0

no pedestrians

The emoji 🚷 depicts a sign that is often used to indicate that an area is off-limits or restricted to pedestrians. It may...

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91 1

no mobile phones

The "📵" emoji depicts a mobile phone with a slash through it, indicating that the phone is turned off or out of service....

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28 18

no one under eighteen

The "🔞" emoji is a symbol that represents a prohibition or restriction related to age. It is often used to indicate that the...

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15 0

up arrow

The "⬆️" emoji is an arrow pointing up. It is often used to indicate an increase or improvement, such as in a graph...

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16 0

up-right arrow

The emoji "↗️" is also known as "Up-Right Diagonal Straight Line." It is a simple geometric shape consisting of a diagonal line pointing...

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67 0

right arrow

The emoji ➡️, also known as "Right Arrow," is a common symbol used in digital communication to indicate direction, progression, or continuation. It...

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71 0

down-right arrow

The emoji "↘️" is a right-pointing downward arrow. It is used to indicate a direction, specifically pointing to the lower right corner. It...

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47 0

down arrow

The "downwards arrow" emoji, also known as "down arrow" or "pointing down," is a symbol that depicts a downward-pointing arrow. This emoji is...

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109 0

down-left arrow

The emoji ↙️, also known as "down-left arrow," is a graphical symbol that depicts an arrow pointing downwards and to the left. This...

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29 1

left arrow

The emoji "⬅️" is a left arrow pointing directional indicator. It is used to represent moving or directing to the left, or as...

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75 0

up-left arrow

The emoji "↖️" is an arrow pointing to the upper left corner of a screen or page. It is often used in digital...

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25 1

up-down arrow

The "↕️" emoji, also known as "Up-Down Arrow," represents movement or fluctuation in two directions, typically indicating change or alternation. It can be...

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15 0

left-right arrow

The ↔️ emoji, also known as the "double arrow" or "left right arrow," is a symbol that represents back and forth movement or...

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4 0

right arrow curving left

The ↩️ emoji, also known as "U-turn" or "Back" emoji, represents the action of making a U-turn or going back in the opposite...

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18 0

left arrow curving right

The "↪️" emoji is a left-right arrow, which is often used to indicate the action of turning or flipping something over, or moving...

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104 0

right arrow curving up

The emoji ⤴️, also known as "Upwards Black Arrow," is a symbol that points upward, indicating an upward direction or movement. It can...

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55 0

right arrow curving down

This emoji is called "Downward Arrow With Tip Left." It is a black downward-pointing arrow with a small triangle pointing to the left...

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7 0

clockwise vertical arrows

The emoji 🔃, also known as "endless loop" or "recycle", depicts a circular arrow. This symbol is often used to represent recycling, continuation,...

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100 0

counterclockwise arrows button

The emoji 🔄, also known as "endless loop" or "recycle," depicts a circular arrow. This symbol is often used to represent the concept...

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20 11

BACK arrow

The "🔙" emoji is a back arrow pointing to the left, typically used to indicate the action of going back or returning to...

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8 1

END arrow

The "🔚" emoji, also known as "END" or "FINISH," represents the conclusion or completion of something. It can be used to indicate the...

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47 0

ON! arrow

The emoji 🔛, also known as "On" or "On Air," represents a radio wave or broadcast signal. It is often used to indicate...

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10 0

ATM sign

The emoji 🏧 depicts an automatic teller machine (ATM), which is a machine that allows customers to complete financial transactions without the need...

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23 0

wheelchair symbol

The emoji ♿️, also known as "Disability" or "Wheelchair Symbol," represents accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities. It is often used to...

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79 1

place of worship

The emoji 🛐 depicts a place of worship, often referred to as a "shrine" or "pagoda." It symbolizes spirituality, religion, and sacred spaces....

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9 1

atom symbol

The emoji ⚛️ is called "Atom Symbol." It represents the basic unit of a chemical element and is often used to represent science,...

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50 0


The emoji 🕉️ is known as the "Om" symbol, which is a sacred sound and spiritual symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism....

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93 0

star of David

The emoji ✡️, also known as the "Star of David" or "Magen David" in Hebrew, is a symbol that has been associated with...

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83 0

wheel of dharma

The emoji ☸️ is also known as the "Aries" or "Nail" symbol. It is a stylized representation of a ram's horns, which is...

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14 8

latin cross

The emoji ✝️, also known as the "Latin Cross," is a common symbol of Christianity and represents the instrument of Jesus Christ's crucifixion....

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20 1

orthodox cross

The emoji ☦️, also known as "Orthodox Cross," is a symbol of the Orthodox Christian Church. It consists of two horizontal bars, with...

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21 20

star and crescent

The emoji ☪️ is known as the " Islamic Symbol," it represents the religion of Islam. It features a crescent moon and a...

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56 6


The emoji 🕎 is known as the "Menorah with Nine Branches." It is a symbol of the Jewish faith and is used to...

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27 0

dotted six-pointed star

The emoji 🔯, also known as the "Star of David" or "Magen David" in Hebrew, is a symbol that has been associated with...

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96 2


The emoji 🪯 depicts a wooden clothes peg, also known as a clothespin. It is often used to hang wet clothes on a...

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130 0

shuffle tracks button

The "Shuffle Tracks" button emoji, displayed as 🔀, represents the action of randomly rearranging a playlist or a set of songs. It is...

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78 0

repeat button

The emoji "🔁" is called "Rotate Right" or "Right Arrow Rotating." It depicts a right-facing arrow that is curved in a circular shape,...

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9 2

repeat single button

The emoji "🔂" is called "Loop" or "Repeat." It depicts two arrows forming a circle, indicating the concept of repetition or looping. This...

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57 13

play button

The play/fast-forward button emoji, depicted as a right-pointing triangle, is commonly used to represent the action of playing or fast-forwarding media, such as...

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53 1

fast-forward button

The emoji ⏩️, also known as "Fast Forward" or "Double Right Arrow," represents the action of quickly advancing or skipping through content. It...

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3 1

next track button

This emoji is the "Double Right-Pointing Triangle" symbol, which is depicted as two triangles pointing to the right. It is often used to...

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16 4

play or pause button

The ⏯️ emoji, also known as "play/pause button," represents the ability to control media playback. It is often used in digital interfaces for...

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7 117

reverse button

The emoji "◀️" is known as "Back with Left Arrow." It depicts a small, white arrow pointing to the left, situated inside a...

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18 0

fast reverse button

The emoji ⏪️, also known as "Fast Rewind Button," is a button with two arrows pointing left, enclosed in a circle. This emoji...

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40 1

last track button

The ⏮️ emoji is a left-pointing double loop arrow, which is often used to represent rewinding or going back to the beginning of...

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65 6

upwards button

The "🔼" emoji is a symbol that represents an upwards arrow. It is often used in digital communication to indicate an increase, improvement,...

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12 2

fast up button

The emoji ⏫️ is called "Fast Up Button" or "Up Arrow With Tip Left." It represents moving or accelerating quickly upwards. This emoji...

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40 0

downwards button

The "downwards arrow" emoji, depicted as a single straight line pointing downwards, is often used to indicate a downward motion or direction. It...

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125 0

fast down button

The "⏬" emoji, also known as "Downwards Arrow With Tip Left," represents the action of moving downwards or pointing to something below. It...

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185 0

pause button

The emoji you provided is the "Pause Button" emoji, which is depicted as a square button with two parallel lines on it. This...

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31 0

stop button

The emoji you provided is the "Stop Button" or "Pause Button" emoji, which is depicted as a square button with two perpendicular lines...

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7 0

SOON arrow

The emoji "🔜" is called "SOON" and is a yellow circle with a white arrow pointing right, enclosed in a black square. This...

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15 1

dim button

The emoji 🔅 is a dimmer switch, which is often used to represent adjusting the brightness or intensity of something. It can be...

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130 0

bright button

The emoji 🔆 is called "Increasing Brightness" or "Glowing Star." It depicts a yellow circle with several rays of light emanating from it,...

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38 1

antenna bars

The "📶" emoji is commonly used to represent cellular signal strength or network connectivity. It can indicate a good or weak connection, depending...

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141 1


The 🛜 wireless emoji, depicted as a series of interconnected waveforms, represents the concept of wireless communication or connectivity. It can be used to...

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16 0

vibration mode

The emoji 📳 is a representation of an old-fashioned mobile phone, also known as a cell phone. This emoji is often used to...

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77 0

female sign

The emoji "♀️" is a symbol of the female gender. It is often used to represent women, girls, or femininity in digital communication....

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54 0

male sign

This emoji is a simple graphic of a male gender symbol. It is represented by a circle with an arrow pointing right, located...

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20 0

transgender symbol

The ⚧️ emoji, also known as "Transgender Flag," represents the transgender community and symbolizes the inclusion and recognition of transgender people. It consists...

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137 0

heavy equals sign

The emoji "🟰" is a gray square with a white arrow pointing diagonally to the bottom right corner. This emoji is often used...

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21 0

double exclamation mark

The "‼️" emoji is also known as the "Double Exclamation Mark" or "High Intensity Exclamation Mark." It is used to convey a sense...

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113 0

white question mark

The "❔" emoji, also known as the "WHATS UP?" or "HUH?" emoji, is a symbol used to express confusion, surprise, or disbelief. It...

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58 0

white exclamation mark

The ❕ ("white heavy check mark") emoji is a graphical symbol that represents confirmation, validation, or completion. It is often used to indicate...

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16 0

currency exchange

The emoji 💱 represents a currency exchange or a money transfer. It can be used to indicate the act of exchanging money, such...

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5 0

heavy dollar sign

The emoji "💲" is a currency symbol that represents the United States Dollar. It is used to indicate financial transactions, money, or cost...

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118 0

medical symbol

The emoji ⚕️ is a symbol that represents medical or healthcare services. It is often used to convey the idea of being sick,...

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48 0


The emoji ⚜️, also known as the "Fleur-de-lis" or "Lily Flower," is a stylized image of a flower that has three petals. This...

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86 3

trident emblem

The emoji 🔱, also known as "Trident Emoji," is a symbol that represents power, authority, and leadership. It features a three-pronged spear, which...

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14 0

name badge

The emoji 📛, also known as "Name Badge," represents a name tag often worn at events, conferences, or workplaces to identify oneself. It...

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106 0

Japanese symbol for beginner

The emoji 🔰, also known as "up-pointing red triangle," is a symbol that can have various meanings depending on the context. Generally, it...

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69 0

check mark

The emoji ✔️, also known as "White Heavy Check Mark" or "Checkbox," represents confirmation, approval, or completion. It is often used to indicate...

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75 35

cross mark

The emoji "❌" is a red circle with a diagonal line through it, also known as the "prohibited" or "not allowed" symbol. It...

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34 1

cross mark button

The emoji "❎️" is a cross mark, also known as an "X" or "nix." It is often used to indicate a negative response,...

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22 0

double curly loop

This emoji is a circle with a right-facing arrow that is continuously looping inside of it. It is often used to represent the...

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6 0

part alternation mark

The emoji 〽️, also known as "M", is a stylized letter that can be used to represent a variety of things, including the...

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60 0

eight-spoked asterisk

The emoji ✳️ is a star symbol, often used to add emphasis or importance to a message. It can be used in place...

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82 1

eight-pointed star

The emoji ✴️ is a eight-pointed star, also known as an octagram. This symbol can be used to represent various concepts, depending on...

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15 0


The sparkle emoji, ❇️, is a graphical representation of a shiny, glittering star. It is often used to convey excitement, happiness, or specialness....

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35 0

eject button

The ⏏️ emoji, also known as "Eject" or "Eject Button," represents the action of safely removing a disk or media from a device,...

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58 0

record button

The emoji ⏺️, also known as "Black Circle," represents a solid black circle. This emoji can be used to indicate a variety of...

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58 0

keycap: #

The emoji #️⃣ is also known as "keycap" or "hash tag." It is a black square with white numbers or symbols printed on...

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53 0

keycap: *

This emoji is often used in text to indicate emphasis, or to mark a particular section of text as important or as an aside....

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71 0

keycap: 0

The emoji "0️⃣" is a digital representation of the number zero. It is often used in text messages, social media posts, and other...

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115 2

keycap: 1

The emoji 1️⃣ is a digit "1" with a subtle shadow effect, giving it a slight three-dimensional appearance. This emoji is often used...

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55 2

keycap: 2

The number 2 emoji, displayed as "2️⃣", is a text-based representation of the digit two. It is often used in digital communication to...

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29 0

keycap: 3

The emoji 3️⃣ is a numeric digit three, stylized in a bold and large font. It is often used in text messages, social...

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42 1

keycap: 4

The emoji "4️⃣" is a digit that represents the number four. It is often used in text messages, social media posts, and other...

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29 0

keycap: 5

The emoji "5" with a star symbol next to it is often used to represent a high level of quality, excellence, or achievement....

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19 0

keycap: 6

The emoji 6️⃣ is a digit "6" displayed in a stylized, black font on a white background. This emoji is often used in...

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42 0

keycap: 7

The emoji 7️⃣ is a digit "7" with a subtle shadow effect, depicted in a stylized, black font on a white background. This...

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37 0

keycap: 8

The emoji 8️⃣ is a digit "8" stylized with a box-drawing character. It is often used in text messages, social media posts, and...

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37 1

keycap: 9

The number "9" emoji is displayed as "9️⃣" and is used to represent the numeral nine in digital or text-based communication. It can...

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45 0

keycap: 10

The emoji "🔟" is a numeric value in the form of a circle with the number 10 inside. It is used to represent...

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42 0

input latin uppercase

The emoji "🔠" is called "ABC Button" or "Alphabet Button." It represents the English alphabet or the concept of typing or writing in...

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90 0

input latin lowercase

The "ABC" button emoji, displayed as 🔡, represents the first three letters of the English alphabet and is often used to indicate the...

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13 0

input symbols

The "🔣" emoji is a combination of the "abacus" and "segmented number" emojis, which together represent the concept of "keys" or "keyboard." It...

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191 0

input latin letters

The "ABC button" emoji, displayed as 🔤, represents the concept of letters, alphabet, or text. It is often used to indicate a focus...

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51 0

A button (blood type)

The emoji "🅰️" is a capital letter A with a square background, which is part of the "Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs" block in...

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30 0

AB button (blood type)

The emoji "🆎" is called "Input Symbol for Latin Capital Letters". It is a rectangular box with 12 small squares inside, representing a...

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67 0

B button (blood type)

The emoji "🅱️" is a stylized version of the letter "B" and is often used as a playful or joking way to refer...

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7 56

CL button

The emoji "🆑" is called "Cancel Button" and it depicts a circular button with a diagonal line through it. This emoji is often...

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32 0


The "information" emoji, displayed as a lowercase "i" inside a circle, is used to represent information or data. It is often used in...

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5 0

ID button

The emoji "🆔" is called "ID Card" or "Identification Card." It represents an official document that verifies a person's identity, containing their name,...

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5 0

circled M

The "Ⓜ️" emoji is a stylized letter "M" that is often used to represent the word "money" or anything related to finance, business,...

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45 0

NG button

The emoji "🆖" is called "Wrong Button." It depicts a circle with a line crossing it diagonally, similar to a "no" or "prohibited"...

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72 0

O button (blood type)

The emoji "🅾️" is a capital letter "O" with a black border, which is part of the "Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs" Unicode block....

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8 6

P button

The emoji "🅿️" is a capital letter P inside a white square on a black background. It is not a standard emoji and...

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9 0

VS button

The emoji 🆚, also known as "VS" or "versus," represents a comparison or competition between two things. It is often used in social...

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69 0

Japanese “here” button

The emoji "🈁" is known as "Admission Ticket" or "Entrance" in Emoji language. It is a rectangular ticket with a pattern of lines...

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30 0

Japanese “service charge” button

The emoji "🈂️" is known as "Japanese 'Service Charge' Symbol" or "Shopping Bags." It is a red circle with a line and two...

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32 0

Japanese “monthly amount” button

The emoji "🈷️" is known as "Japanese "Here" Button" or "Japanese "Acceptable" Button." It is a red circle with a white bar across...

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14 0

Japanese “not free of charge” button

The emoji "🈶" is known as "RESERVED" or "Underage" in Emoji version 13.0. It is a circle with two vertical lines in the...

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46 0

Japanese “reserved” button

This emoji is a combination of the characters "Japanese 'service charge' symbol" (🈴) and "right arrow" (→). It is commonly referred to as...

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77 0

Japanese “bargain” button

The emoji "🉐" is called "Japanese Dolls" and it depicts two traditional Japanese dolls, often displayed during the Hinamatsuri festival, also known as...

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48 0

Japanese “discount” button

The emoji "🈹" is known as "Japanese 'For Sale' Sign" or "Bargain" in Emoji language. It is a red circle with diagonal white...

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3 0

Japanese “free of charge” button

This emoji is a circle with a diagonal line through it, and it is stylized to look like a Japanese "no" symbol or...

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Japanese “application” button

The emoji "🈸" is known as "Japanese 'Service Charge' Sign" or "Japanese 'Here Comes a Service' Sign." It is a red circle with...

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63 0

Japanese “passing grade” button

The emoji "🈴" is known as "Admission Ticket" or "Reserved Seating" in Emoji language. It is often used to represent tickets for events...

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30 0

Japanese “vacancy” button

The emoji "🈳" is known as "IDEOGRAPHIC SYMBOL FOR COMMERCIAL ENTITY" or "JAPANESE SYMBOL FOR SHOPPING SERVICE." It is a stylized representation of...

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80 0

Japanese “congratulations” button

The emoji ㊗️, also known as "Congratulations" or "Celebration," is a symbol of joy, pride, and accomplishment. It is often used to congratulate...

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119 0

Japanese “secret” button

The emoji "㊙️" is known as the "Secret" or "Confidential" symbol. It is often used to indicate that the information being shared is...

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19 0

Japanese “open for business” button

The emoji "🈺" is known as "CONVENIENCE STORE" or "SHOPPING" in Emoji language. It depicts a stylized store or shop sign, often seen...

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37 0

Japanese “no vacancy” button

The emoji "🈵" is known as "Japanese 'Service Charge' Button" or "Japanese 'Here Comes the Service' Button." It is a red circle with...

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8 136

red circle

The red circle emoji 🔴 is a solid, red circle that is often used to convey a sense of urgency, importance, or warning....

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46 2

orange circle

The orange circle emoji, 🟠, is a solid orange circle that is commonly used to represent the color orange or to convey a...

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41 11

yellow circle

The emoji you provided is a yellow circle, which is commonly referred to as "Yellow Circle" or "Yellow Emoji." This emoji is often...

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79 5

green circle

The green circle emoji, 🟢, is a common emoji used to represent the color green or the concept of "go" or "proceed." It...

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58 21

blue circle

The blue square emoji, 🔵, is a solid blue square. It is often used to represent the color blue, or to convey a...

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14 2

purple circle

The emoji "🟣" is a purple square. It is a relatively new emoji, having been added to the Unicode Standard in 2019. This...

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7 6

brown circle

The emoji 🟤, also known as "Brown Square," is a relatively new addition to the emoji keyboard, introduced in 2020 as part of...

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18 63

black circle

The emoji ⚫️ is a solid black circle. It is often used to represent a generic object or concept, or to fill space...

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93 3

white circle

The emoji ⚪️, also known as "white circle," is a simple white circle. It is often used as a neutral or blank symbol,...

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17 1

red square

The emoji 🟥, also known as "Red Square," is a solid red square. It is often used to convey a sense of importance,...

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7 4

orange square

The emoji "🟧" is a light orange square, which is a relatively less common emoji. It does not have a specific meaning or...

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152 0

yellow square

The emoji 🟨 is a square with a light orange or brown color. It is not as commonly used as some other emojis,...

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6 0

green square

The emoji 🟩 is a medium shade of green square. It is often used to represent a filled-in or completed task, similar to...

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45 0

blue square

The emoji 🟦 is a solid purple square. It is a relatively new emoji, having been added to the Unicode Standard in 2019...

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6 1

purple square

The emoji 🟪 is a solid purple square. It is a relatively new emoji, having been added to the Unicode Standard in 2019...

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66 0

brown square

The emoji 🟫 is a solid gray large square. It is a relatively new emoji, introduced in 2020 as part of the Emoji...

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11 0

black large square

The black square emoji (⬛️) is a simple geometric shape that consists of a solid black square. It is often used to represent...

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12 0

white large square

The ⬜️ emoji, also known as "U+25FB" or "Light Shade," is a square block that is slightly lighter than its surrounding area. It...

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34 0

black medium square

The emoji you provided is a "heavy large circle" or "black large square." It is a solid, black, square-shaped symbol that is often...

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white medium square

The square emoji ◻️ is a simple geometric shape that is often used to represent a blank space or to fill in a...

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40 0

black medium-small square

The emoji you provided is a white square button with a black upwards-pointing triangle in the center, also known as "Up Button" or...

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12 0

white medium-small square

The emoji you provided is a "Black Large Square" (Unicode U+25FC). It is a solid black square with a white border, and it...

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32 2

black small square

The emoji ▪️, also known as "Black Large Square," is a simple, black-filled square. It is often used to represent a solid or...

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9 0

white small square

The ▫️ emoji is a small, light gray, square-shaped symbol. It is often used to represent a blank space, a placeholder, or an...

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3 0

large orange diamond

The emoji 🔶, also known as "Orange Square," is a stylized representation of an orange-colored square. It is often used to represent a...

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102 0

large blue diamond

The emoji 🔷, also known as "Upwards Black Square" or "Black Diamond," is a geometric shape that consists of a solid black diamond...

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16 0

small orange diamond

The emoji 🔸 is a black medium small square. It is often used as a bullet point or a marker in lists, or...

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22 0

small blue diamond

The emoji 🔹 is a black medium square. It is a simple geometric shape that can be used to represent a variety of...

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25 0

red triangle pointed up

The emoji 🔺 is a black up-pointing triangle with a white border. It is often used to indicate a warning, caution, or attention....

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18 0

red triangle pointed down

The emoji 🔻, also known as "Downwards Black Arrow," is a black arrow pointing straight down. This emoji is often used to indicate...

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102 0

diamond with a dot

The emoji 💠, also known as "Sparkles" or "Glitter," represents brightness, shimmer, and excitement. It is often used to add a touch of...

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8 0

radio button

The emoji 🔘 is a solid circle with a thin outline, typically displayed in a single, solid color. It is often used to...

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20 0

white square button

The emoji 🔳 is a gray, square-shaped symbol with rounded corners and a small dot in the center. It is often used to...

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22 0

black square button

The emoji 🔲 is a gray, square button with rounded corners and a thin border. It is often used to represent a placeholder,...

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17 0

Japanese “prohibited” button

The emoji "🈲" is known as "Japanese "not equal to" button" or "Japanese discount symbol." It is a red circle with a line...

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21 0

TOP arrow

The emoji "🔝" is called "Upwards Button" and it depicts a triangle pointing upward. This emoji is often used to indicate that something...

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120 0


The emoji "🎦" is a symbol that represents a movie camera or film projector. It is often used to convey the idea of...

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95 4

hollow red circle

The ⭕️ emoji is a large, circular symbol that is often used to represent a variety of concepts, including: a ball, the sun,...

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Japanese “acceptable” button

The emoji "🉑" is called "Japanese Symbol for Beginner." It is a white square with a red circle in the center, and four...

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147 0

check box with check

This emoji is called "Checkbox." It depicts a square with a checkmark inside, similar to a checkbox that has been filled in to...

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symbols Emoji can be used to express a wide range of emotions, objects, and concepts, making them a powerful tool for conveying meaning in a fun and engaging way. Learn the meanings behind these symbols and start using them to add some extra flair to your text messages, social media posts, and emails today!