123 0
Emoji | ☑️ |
Codepoint | U+2611 |
Category | symbols |
Subcategory | other-symbol |
check box with check (U+2611)
This emoji is called "Checkbox." It depicts a square with a checkmark inside, similar to a checkbox that has been filled in to indicate completion or confirmation. It is often used in digital communication to represent the idea of checking off an item on a list, marking something as done, or indicating agreement or approval. It can also be used to show that a task or action has been completed or to confirm that a message has been received and understood. Additionally, it may be used in a list or table to indicate a selected or highlighted item.
check box with check emoji text examples
- * Checkmark emoji (☑️) can be used to indicate that a task has been completed or to show agreement with a statement. For example:
- + "I finished all of my homework ☑️"
- + "I agree with your point of view ☑️"
- * It can also be used in a list to indicate the items that have been completed. For example:
- + "Things to do:
- - Buy groceries ☑️
- - Do laundry ☑️
- - Call mom ✖️"
- * It can also be used in a conversation to show that you are listening and paying attention. For example:
- + "I'm going to the gym after work"
- + "Sounds good ☑️"
- * It can also be used in a text or email to confirm that you have read and understood the message. For example:
- + "Please review the attached document and let me know if you have any questions."
- + "I will review it and get back to you ☑️"
- * It can also be used in a social media post to indicate that you are in agreement with the post. For example:
- + "I can't believe how much I love this new album 🙌 ☑️"
- + "I know right! Me too 🙌 ☑️"
check box with check emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Kontrollkästchen mit Häkchen
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 帶有復選標記的複選框
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: прапорець з прапорцем
- 🇫🇷 french: case à cocher avec chèque
- 🇸🇦 arabic: خانة الاختيار مع الاختيار
- 🇯🇵 japan: チェックボックスにチェックが入っている
- 🇪🇸 spanish: casilla de verificación con cheque
check box with check emoji ☑️ in Other Platforms