☣️All warning Emojis

Unlock the Power of warning: Decode Their Meanings and Significance 🔣

we found 13 symbols emojis
12630 0

biohazard sign

The emoji "☣️" is commonly known as the "Biohazard" symbol. It is used to indicate the presence of biological hazards or substances that...

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18066 1


The emoji ⚠️, also known as Warning, is a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside. It is used to indicate a potential...

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5748 2

radioactive sign

The emoji "☢️" is a radiation symbol, featuring a circle with three curved bars and two straight ones crossing through it. This symbol...

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87 0

children crossing

The emoji 🚸 is known as "School Crossing" or "School Zone." It depicts a sign with a silhouette of a person crossing the...

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31 2

no entry

The emoji "⛔️" is a red circle with a diagonal line through it, also known as the "prohibited" or "not allowed" symbol. This...

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14 1


The "Prohibited" emoji, depicted as a circle with a diagonal line through it, is used to indicate that something is not allowed or...

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25 0

no bicycles

The "🚳" emoji depicts a red and white sign with a slash through a bicycle, indicating a "No Bicycles" restriction. This emoji is...

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14 0

no smoking

The "No Smoking" emoji, depicted as a circle with a diagonal line through it and a representation of a cigarette in the center,...

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no littering

The "🚯" emoji is a symbol for a trash can or garbage bin. It is often used to represent the act of throwing...

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34 0

non-potable water

The "🚱" emoji is a symbol that represents a "No Water" sign. It is often used to indicate that water is not available...

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no pedestrians

The emoji 🚷 depicts a sign that is often used to indicate that an area is off-limits or restricted to pedestrians. It may...

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no mobile phones

The "📵" emoji depicts a mobile phone with a slash through it, indicating that the phone is turned off or out of service....

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no one under eighteen

The "🔞" emoji is a symbol that represents a prohibition or restriction related to age. It is often used to indicate that the...

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warning Emoji can be used to express a wide range of emotions, objects, and concepts, making them a powerful tool for conveying meaning in a fun and engaging way. Learn the meanings behind these symbols and start using them to add some extra flair to your text messages, social media posts, and emails today!