♻️All other symbol Emojis

Unlock the Power of other symbol: Decode Their Meanings and Significance 🔣

we found 22 symbols emojis
7662 0


The ♻️ emoji is the recycling symbol, made up of three arrows forming a triangle. This symbol is commonly used to represent recycling,...

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22391 1

check mark button

The ✅ emoji is a white check mark in a square box, often used to indicate that something is correct, completed, or approved....

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8701 1

curly loop

This emoji is a loop or circle that is curving around and touching itself, creating a spiral or swirl effect. It can be...

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16244 1


This emoji is a circle with a circular arrow that curves around it in a continuous loop. It is often used to represent...

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4993 0


The "TM" emoji, which is displayed as "™️," is a symbol that represents trademark ownership or protection. It is used to indicate that...

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1927 0


This emoji is known as "copyright symbol" or "copyright mark." It is used to indicate that the content it precedes is protected by...

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5319 0


This emoji shows a circle with a registered trademark symbol (®) in the center. It is used to indicate that a product, service,...

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101 0

medical symbol

The emoji ⚕️ is a symbol that represents medical or healthcare services. It is often used to convey the idea of being sick,...

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47 0


The emoji ⚜️, also known as the "Fleur-de-lis" or "Lily Flower," is a stylized image of a flower that has three petals. This...

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85 0

trident emblem

The emoji 🔱, also known as "Trident Emoji," is a symbol that represents power, authority, and leadership. It features a three-pronged spear, which...

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14 0

name badge

The emoji 📛, also known as "Name Badge," represents a name tag often worn at events, conferences, or workplaces to identify oneself. It...

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104 0

Japanese symbol for beginner

The emoji 🔰, also known as "up-pointing red triangle," is a symbol that can have various meanings depending on the context. Generally, it...

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68 0

check mark

The emoji ✔️, also known as "White Heavy Check Mark" or "Checkbox," represents confirmation, approval, or completion. It is often used to indicate...

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cross mark

The emoji "❌" is a red circle with a diagonal line through it, also known as the "prohibited" or "not allowed" symbol. It...

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34 1

cross mark button

The emoji "❎️" is a cross mark, also known as an "X" or "nix." It is often used to indicate a negative response,...

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22 0

double curly loop

This emoji is a circle with a right-facing arrow that is continuously looping inside of it. It is often used to represent the...

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5 0

part alternation mark

The emoji 〽️, also known as "M", is a stylized letter that can be used to represent a variety of things, including the...

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51 0

eight-spoked asterisk

The emoji ✳️ is a star symbol, often used to add emphasis or importance to a message. It can be used in place...

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42 1

eight-pointed star

The emoji ✴️ is a eight-pointed star, also known as an octagram. This symbol can be used to represent various concepts, depending on...

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13 0


The sparkle emoji, ❇️, is a graphical representation of a shiny, glittering star. It is often used to convey excitement, happiness, or specialness....

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84 4

hollow red circle

The ⭕️ emoji is a large, circular symbol that is often used to represent a variety of concepts, including: a ball, the sun,...

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121 0

check box with check

This emoji is called "Checkbox." It depicts a square with a checkmark inside, similar to a checkbox that has been filled in to...

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other symbol Emoji can be used to express a wide range of emotions, objects, and concepts, making them a powerful tool for conveying meaning in a fun and engaging way. Learn the meanings behind these symbols and start using them to add some extra flair to your text messages, social media posts, and emails today!