☯️All religion Emojis

Unlock the Power of religion: Decode Their Meanings and Significance 🔣

we found 13 symbols emojis
8203 35

yin yang

The "☯️" emoji is also known as the "Yin Yang" symbol. It represents the concept of duality and balance in Chinese philosophy, where...

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45831 2

peace symbol

The emoji "☮️" is known as the "Peace Symbol." It represents a universal symbol for peace, unity, and harmony, and is often used...

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79 1

place of worship

The emoji 🛐 depicts a place of worship, often referred to as a "shrine" or "pagoda." It symbolizes spirituality, religion, and sacred spaces....

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9 1

atom symbol

The emoji ⚛️ is called "Atom Symbol." It represents the basic unit of a chemical element and is often used to represent science,...

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50 0


The emoji 🕉️ is known as the "Om" symbol, which is a sacred sound and spiritual symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism....

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93 0

star of David

The emoji ✡️, also known as the "Star of David" or "Magen David" in Hebrew, is a symbol that has been associated with...

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83 0

wheel of dharma

The emoji ☸️ is also known as the "Aries" or "Nail" symbol. It is a stylized representation of a ram's horns, which is...

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14 8

latin cross

The emoji ✝️, also known as the "Latin Cross," is a common symbol of Christianity and represents the instrument of Jesus Christ's crucifixion....

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20 1

orthodox cross

The emoji ☦️, also known as "Orthodox Cross," is a symbol of the Orthodox Christian Church. It consists of two horizontal bars, with...

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21 20

star and crescent

The emoji ☪️ is known as the " Islamic Symbol," it represents the religion of Islam. It features a crescent moon and a...

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The emoji 🕎 is known as the "Menorah with Nine Branches." It is a symbol of the Jewish faith and is used to...

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27 0

dotted six-pointed star

The emoji 🔯, also known as the "Star of David" or "Magen David" in Hebrew, is a symbol that has been associated with...

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The emoji 🪯 depicts a wooden clothes peg, also known as a clothespin. It is often used to hang wet clothes on a...

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religion Emoji can be used to express a wide range of emotions, objects, and concepts, making them a powerful tool for conveying meaning in a fun and engaging way. Learn the meanings behind these symbols and start using them to add some extra flair to your text messages, social media posts, and emails today!