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registered Emoji Kitchen Combinations

🪄 + ®️ = magic_wand-registered
🪄 + ®️ = magic_wand-registered
😂 + ®️ = joy-registered
😘 + ®️ = kissing_heart-registered
🥰 + ®️ = smiling_face_with_3_hearts-registered
😍 + ®️ = heart_eyes-registered
😔 + ®️ = pensive-registered
🥺 + ®️ = pleading_face-registered
🌜 + ®️ = last_quarter_moon_with_face-registered
😎 + ®️ = sunglasses-registered
See all 61 ®️ emoji kitchen combinations 

registered (U+ae-fe0f)


This emoji shows a circle with a registered trademark symbol (®) in the center. It is used to indicate that a product, service, or phrase is a registered trademark of a company or organization. It can be used in social media posts, marketing materials, or product packaging to protect intellectual property and promote brand recognition. Using this emoji can help ensure that others are aware of your trademark rights and avoid using your trademarks without permission.

registered emoji text examples

  • 🍔:
  • 1. "I'm craving a big, juicy burger for lunch today 🍔!"
  • 2. "Do you want to grab a quick bite to eat? I know a great place that has the best 🍔 in town!"
  • 3. "I can't believe I ate three 🍔 last night! I'm definitely paying for it now 🤦‍♀️."
  • 4. "I'm going to try to make a healthier version of a 🍔 at home tonight 🥦🍅."
  • 5. "I'm so excited to try this new gourmet 🍔 restaurant that just opened up down the street 🤤."
  • 🌴:
  • 1. "I can't wait for my vacation to Hawaii 🌴! I'm going to relax on the beach and soak up the sun ☀️."
  • 2. "I love taking walks in the park and admiring all the beautiful 🌴 trees 🌳."
  • 3. "I'm trying to bring a little bit of the tropics into my home with this cute 🌴 print pillow 🏠."
  • 4. "I'm going to try to incorporate more 🌴 into my diet, like coconut water and pineapple 🍍."
  • 5. "I'm so jealous of all the people who get to live in a place with warm, sunny weather and 🌴 year-round 🏖️."
  • 🎈:
  • 1. "I'm feeling so happy and carefree today, like a 🎈 floating in the wind 🍃."
  • 2. "I'm going to decorate the house with 🎈 for my daughter's birthday party 🎉."
  • 3. "I love the feeling of letting go of a 🎈 and watching it soar into the sky 🌌."
  • 4. "I'm going to send a 🎈 to my best friend who lives far away, to let her know I'm thinking of her 💕."
  • 5.

registered emoji in other languages:

  • 🇩🇪 german: Eingetragen
  • 🇨🇳 chinese: 掛號的
  • 🇺🇦 ukrainian: зареєстрований
  • 🇫🇷 french: inscrit
  • 🇸🇦 arabic: مسجل
  • 🇯🇵 japan: 登録済み
  • 🇪🇸 spanish: registrado