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white circle (U+26AA)
The emoji ⚪️, also known as "white circle," is a simple white circle. It is often used as a neutral or blank symbol, or as a background for other emojis. It can also be used to represent a full moon, a ball, or a target. In text messages or online conversations, it can be used to add emphasis or to separate ideas. Additionally, it can be used in place of a checkmark to indicate that something is complete or approved.
white circle emoji text examples
- ⚪️ Example 1: "I'm leaving the group chat for a bit, talk to you all later! 👋⚪️ Example 2: "I'm so bored today, I don't know what to do 🤔⚪️ Example 3: "I'm trying to eat healthier these days 🥗⚪️ Example 4: "I'm feeling really down today, I need some cheering up 😔⚪️ Example 5: "I'm going to the gym after work today 🏋️♀️⚪️ Example 6: "I'm currently on vacation in Hawaii 🌴⚪️ Example 7: "I'm so excited for the concert tonight 🎶⚪️ Example 8: "I'm trying to drink more water every day 🚰⚪️ Example 9: "I'm feeling really stressed out with work lately 😓⚪️ Example 10: "I'm going to see a movie with friends tonight 🍿"
white circle emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: weißer Kreis
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 白色圓圈
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: біле коло
- 🇫🇷 french: cercle blanc
- 🇸🇦 arabic: دائرة بيضاء
- 🇯🇵 japan: 白い円
- 🇪🇸 spanish: circulo blanco
white circle emoji ⚪️ in Other Platforms