blue square (U+1F7E6)


The emoji 🟦 is a solid purple square. It is a relatively new emoji, having been added to the Unicode Standard in 2019 as part of the "Emoji 12.0" release. This emoji does not have a specific meaning or usage that is widely recognized or accepted, and it is up to individual users to determine how they would like to use it in their communications. Some possible uses for the 🟦 emoji could include conveying a sense of calmness or sophistication, as purple is often associated with these qualities. Additionally, because it is a solid square, this emoji could be used to represent structure, stability, or organization. However, as with all emoji, the meaning and usage of 🟦 can vary depending on the context in which it is used and the individual interpretations of the people using it.

blue square emoji text examples

  • 🟦 This blue square emoji can be used in various contexts. Here are some examples:
  • 1. 🟦🔵🌊 - This combination of emojis could be used to represent a body of water, like an ocean or a lake. The blue square emoji could represent the water itself, while the blue wave emoji adds some motion and texture.
  • 2. 🟦📦🚚 - This set of emojis could be used to indicate that something is being shipped or delivered. The blue square emoji could represent a package, while the box and truck emojis add context.
  • 3. 🟦🌳🏠 - This combination of emojis could be used to represent a house in the woods. The blue square emoji could represent a cabin or a small house, while the tree and house emojis add context.
  • 4. 🟦📈💰 - This set of emojis could be used to represent a successful business or financial gain. The blue square emoji could represent a chart or graph, while the upward arrow and money bag emojis add context.
  • 5. 🟦🎨🖌️ - This combination of emojis could be used to represent an art project or creative endeavor. The blue square emoji could represent a canvas or a piece of paper, while the paintbrush and palette emojis add context.

blue square emoji in other languages:

  • 🇩🇪 german: blaues Quadrat
  • 🇨🇳 chinese: 藍色方塊
  • 🇺🇦 ukrainian: синій квадрат
  • 🇫🇷 french: carré bleu
  • 🇸🇦 arabic: المربع الأزرق
  • 🇯🇵 japan: 青い四角
  • 🇪🇸 spanish: Cuadrado azul

blue square emoji 🟦 in Other Platforms

Skype (1.2)
blue square on platform Skype
Emojipedia (12.0)
blue square on platform Emojipedia
Twitter (twemoji-12.0)
blue square on platform Twitter
Microsoft (windows-10-may-2019-update)
blue square on platform Microsoft
OpenMoji (12.0)
blue square on platform OpenMoji
EmojiOne (5.0)
blue square on platform EmojiOne
Facebook (4.0)
blue square on platform Facebook
Samsung (one-ui-1.5)
blue square on platform Samsung
Google (android-10.0)
blue square on platform Google
Apple (ios-13.2)
blue square on platform Apple
BlobMoji (unicode12)
blue square on platform BlobMoji
Whatsapp (2.19.352)
blue square on platform Whatsapp
JoyPixels (5.5)
blue square on platform JoyPixels
LG (velvet)
blue square on platform LG
blue square on platform Microsoft Teams
HuaWei (1.0)
blue square on platform HuaWei