📴All av symbol Emojis
Unlock the Power of av symbol: Decode Their Meanings and Significance 🔣
mobile phone off
The emoji "📴" is called "Mobile Phone Off" or "Cell Phone Off." It shows a mobile phone with a diagonal line across it,...
shuffle tracks button
The "Shuffle Tracks" button emoji, displayed as 🔀, represents the action of randomly rearranging a playlist or a set of songs. It is...
repeat button
The emoji "🔁" is called "Rotate Right" or "Right Arrow Rotating." It depicts a right-facing arrow that is curved in a circular shape,...
repeat single button
The emoji "🔂" is called "Loop" or "Repeat." It depicts two arrows forming a circle, indicating the concept of repetition or looping. This...
play button
The play/fast-forward button emoji, depicted as a right-pointing triangle, is commonly used to represent the action of playing or fast-forwarding media, such as...
fast-forward button
The emoji ⏩️, also known as "Fast Forward" or "Double Right Arrow," represents the action of quickly advancing or skipping through content. It...
next track button
This emoji is the "Double Right-Pointing Triangle" symbol, which is depicted as two triangles pointing to the right. It is often used to...
play or pause button
The ⏯️ emoji, also known as "play/pause button," represents the ability to control media playback. It is often used in digital interfaces for...
reverse button
The emoji "◀️" is known as "Back with Left Arrow." It depicts a small, white arrow pointing to the left, situated inside a...
fast reverse button
The emoji ⏪️, also known as "Fast Rewind Button," is a button with two arrows pointing left, enclosed in a circle. This emoji...
last track button
The ⏮️ emoji is a left-pointing double loop arrow, which is often used to represent rewinding or going back to the beginning of...
upwards button
The "🔼" emoji is a symbol that represents an upwards arrow. It is often used in digital communication to indicate an increase, improvement,...
fast up button
The emoji ⏫️ is called "Fast Up Button" or "Up Arrow With Tip Left." It represents moving or accelerating quickly upwards. This emoji...
downwards button
The "downwards arrow" emoji, depicted as a single straight line pointing downwards, is often used to indicate a downward motion or direction. It...
fast down button
The "⏬" emoji, also known as "Downwards Arrow With Tip Left," represents the action of moving downwards or pointing to something below. It...
pause button
The emoji you provided is the "Pause Button" emoji, which is depicted as a square button with two parallel lines on it. This...
stop button
The emoji you provided is the "Stop Button" or "Pause Button" emoji, which is depicted as a square button with two perpendicular lines...
dim button
The emoji 🔅 is a dimmer switch, which is often used to represent adjusting the brightness or intensity of something. It can be...
bright button
The emoji 🔆 is called "Increasing Brightness" or "Glowing Star." It depicts a yellow circle with several rays of light emanating from it,...
antenna bars
The "📶" emoji is commonly used to represent cellular signal strength or network connectivity. It can indicate a good or weak connection, depending...
The 🛜 wireless emoji, depicted as a series of interconnected waveforms, represents the concept of wireless communication or connectivity. It can be used to...
vibration mode
The emoji 📳 is a representation of an old-fashioned mobile phone, also known as a cell phone. This emoji is often used to...
eject button
The ⏏️ emoji, also known as "Eject" or "Eject Button," represents the action of safely removing a disk or media from a device,...
record button
The emoji ⏺️, also known as "Black Circle," represents a solid black circle. This emoji can be used to indicate a variety of...
av symbol Emoji can be used to express a wide range of emotions, objects, and concepts, making them a powerful tool for conveying meaning in a fun and engaging way. Learn the meanings behind these symbols and start using them to add some extra flair to your text messages, social media posts, and emails today!