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Japanese “reserved” button (U+1F22F)
ideographjapanesejapanese “reserved” button“reserved”指
This emoji is a combination of the characters "Japanese 'service charge' symbol" (🈴) and "right arrow" (→). It is commonly referred to as "Japanese Service Charge" or "Japanese Payment" emoji. It is used to represent payment, service charge, or bill in Japan. It can also be used to indicate that a service is available or to request payment. However, it is not widely used outside of Japan and may not be recognized by all users.
Japanese “reserved” button emoji text examples
- 🈯️ (Japanese "for sale" sign)
- 1. 📚🈯️💰 - "I'm selling my used textbooks, anyone interested?"
- 2. 🎁🈯️👗 - "Brand new dress for sale, perfect condition! 👗🈯️🎁"
- 3. 📱🈯️💸 - "Upgrading my phone, looking to sell my old one 📱💸🈯️"
- 4. 🚗🈯️💼 - "Need to sell my car to make room for a new one 🚗💼🈯️"
- 5. 🎨🈯️🎭 - "Selling hand-painted masks, great for performances 🎭🈯️🎨"
Japanese “reserved” button emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Japanische Schaltfläche „Reserviert“.
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 日文「保留」按鈕
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: Японська «зарезервована» кнопка
- 🇫🇷 french: Bouton japonais « réservé »
- 🇸🇦 arabic: الزر الياباني "المحجوز".
- 🇯🇵 japan: 日本語の「予約」ボタン
- 🇪🇸 spanish: Botón japonés "reservado"
Japanese “reserved” button emoji 🈯️ in Other Platforms