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input symbols (U+1F523)
The "🔣" emoji is a combination of the "abacus" and "segmented number" emojis, which together represent the concept of "keys" or "keyboard." It is often used to refer to typing, keyboards, or coding. This emoji can also be used to represent a physical set of keys, such as those used to unlock a door. Additionally, it may be used in a playful or metaphorical sense to indicate that something is "the key" to solving a problem or achieving a goal.
input symbols emoji text examples
- 1. 🔣 "Let's use this wrench emoji 🔧 to represent fixing things and this light bulb emoji 💡 to represent ideas. 'I had a great idea 💡 for fixing the leaky faucet 🔧, I'll bring my toolbox 🧰 to work on it tomorrow!'"
- 2. 🔣 "How about using this fire emoji 🔥 to represent passion and this heart emoji ❤️ to represent love? 'She has such a passion 🔥 for dance, it's clear she loves it ❤️ with all her heart!'"
- 3. 🔣 "Let's use this pizza emoji 🍕 to represent food and this fork and knife emoji 🍽️ to represent eating. 'I'm so hungry 😋, I could eat a whole pizza 🍕 with these silverware 🍽️!'"
- 4. 🔣 "How about using this sunshine emoji ☀️ to represent good weather and this umbrella emoji ☂️ to represent rain? 'I hope the sunshine ☀️ stays out all day, but just in case, I'll bring my umbrella ☂️.'"
- 5. 🔣 "Let's use this thinking face emoji 🤔 to represent contemplation and this hourglass emoji ⏳ to represent time. 'I've been thinking 🤔 a lot about my future lately, time ⏳ seems to be flying by.'"
input symbols emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Eingabesymbole
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 輸入符號
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: вхідні символи
- 🇫🇷 french: symboles d'entrée
- 🇸🇦 arabic: رموز الإدخال
- 🇯🇵 japan: 入力記号
- 🇪🇸 spanish: símbolos de entrada
input symbols emoji 🔣 in Other Platforms