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closed mailbox with raised flag (U+1F4EB)
The envelope with a rightwards arrow emoji, 📫, is often used to represent mail or postal services, particularly electronic mail or email. It can signify the sending or receipt of a message or the action of sending an email. This emoji can also be used to indicate that a message or email should be checked, as if it were physical mail that has just been delivered. Additionally, it can represent the concept of snail mail, as a playful contrast to the speed and convenience of electronic communication.
closed mailbox with raised flag emoji text examples
- 1. "Check out the flyer I received in the mail today 📫️ ->
- 2. "I'm so excited for my birthday presents! Can't wait for them to arrive in the mail 📫️🎁
- 3. "I just sent off my college applications! Fingers crossed they reach on time 📫️📝
- 4. "I'm so glad I could finally send my letter of recommendation for you 📫️👍
- 5. "I'm moving to a new place and I'm getting so many boxes in the mail 📫️📦
- Note: The emojis may not display correctly in plain text format, but they should appear as intended when viewed in a messaging or social media platform.
closed mailbox with raised flag emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Geschlossener Briefkasten mit erhobener Flagge
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 帶有升旗的封閉信箱
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: закрита поштова скринька з піднятим прапором
- 🇫🇷 french: boîte aux lettres fermée avec drapeau levé
- 🇸🇦 arabic: صندوق بريد مغلق مع علامة مرفوعة
- 🇯🇵 japan: フラグが立てられた閉じられたメールボックス
- 🇪🇸 spanish: Buzón cerrado con bandera levantada
closed mailbox with raised flag emoji 📫️ in Other Platforms