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lower left crayon Emoji Kitchen Combinations
🪄 + 🖍️ = 

🖍️ + 😀 = 

🖍️ + 😃 = 

🖍️ + 😄 = 

🖍️ + 😁 = 

🖍️ + 😆 = 

🖍️ + 😅 = 

😂 + 🖍️ = 

🖍️ + 😉 = 

🖍️ + 😗 = 

lower left crayon (U+1f58d-fe0f)
crayondrawingcreativitylower left crayon
This emoji shows a round, yellow crayon or marker with a green tapered end. It typically represents the act of writing or drawing, and can be used to convey creativity, art, or note-taking. It can also be used to ask someone to "pass the pen" or to indicate that something was handwritten. Overall, the emoji implies a playful, casual, or creative tone in digital communication.
lower left crayon emoji text examples
- 1. "I'm going to do some drawing, I better grab my 🖍️!"
- 2. "Can you pass me the 🖍️ so I can label the boxes?"
- 3. "I love doing calligraphy with my fountain pen and 🖍️!"
- 4. "The kids are having so much fun with their new 🖍️ and coloring books!"
- 5. "I always keep a 🖍️ in my purse for impromptu note-taking."
lower left crayon emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Unten links Buntstift
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 左下蠟筆
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: нижній лівий олівець
- 🇫🇷 french: crayon en bas à gauche
- 🇸🇦 arabic: قلم التلوين السفلي الأيسر
- 🇯🇵 japan: 左下のクレヨン
- 🇪🇸 spanish: crayón inferior izquierdo
lower left crayon emoji 🖍️ in Other Platforms