68 0
Emoji | 🌐 |
Codepoint | U+1F310 |
Category | travel & places |
Subcategory | place-map |
globe with meridians (U+1F310)
The emoji "🌐" is known as the "Globe with Meridians" emoji. It depicts a stylized globe with lines of longitude and latitude, representing the interconnectedness of the world. This emoji is often used to convey a sense of global awareness, internationalism, or the internet and technology that connects people across the globe. It can also be used to represent travel, multiculturalism, or the concept of a "global village." In text messages, social media posts, and other digital communication, this emoji can add a touch of international flair or a sense of interconnectedness to the message.
globe with meridians emoji text examples
- 1. "Check out our new website - it's now accessible worldwide! 🌐"
- 2. "I just had a video call with my colleague in Japan, and it was seamless thanks to the internet! 🌐"
- 3. "With the power of the internet, I can work from anywhere in the world! 🌐"
- 4. "I love being able to stream movies and music from anywhere with a Wi-Fi connection 🌐"
- 5. "The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and access information - it's a truly global network! 🌐"
globe with meridians emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Globus mit Meridianen
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 有經絡的地球儀
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: глобус з меридіанами
- 🇫🇷 french: globe avec méridiens
- 🇸🇦 arabic: الكرة الأرضية مع خطوط الطول
- 🇯🇵 japan: 子午線のある地球儀
- 🇪🇸 spanish: globo con meridianos
globe with meridians emoji 🌐 in Other Platforms