52 0
Emoji | 🇨🇷 |
Codepoint | U+1F1E8-1F1F7 |
Category | flags |
Subcategory | country-flag |
flag: Costa Rica (U+1F1E8-1F1F7)
The emoji 🇨🇷 represents the flag of Costa Rica, a country located in Central America known for its rich biodiversity, beautiful landscapes, and commitment to environmental sustainability. The flag consists of five horizontal stripes in the colors, from top to bottom: blue, white, red, white, and blue. The two blue stripes symbolize the country's sky, two oceans (the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea) that border it, and the white stripes represent peace and wisdom. The red stripe represents the blood spilled by those who fought for Costa Rica's independence. This emoji can be used to express pride in Costa Rica, its culture, or its values.
flag: Costa Rica emoji text examples
- * 🇨🇷 "I'm planning a trip to Costa Rica for my next vacation!"
- * 🇨🇷🏖️ "Can't wait to relax on the beautiful beaches of Costa Rica!"
- * 🇨🇷🦜 "I hope to see some of Costa Rica's amazing wildlife, like toucans and sloths!"
- * 🇨🇷🌴 "I've heard the rainforests in Costa Rica are incredible. I can't wait to explore!"
- * 🇨🇷🍹 "I'm looking forward to trying some of Costa Rica's famous tropical drinks, like a piña colada or a margarita!"
flag: Costa Rica emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Flagge: Costa Rica
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 旗: 哥斯大黎加
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: прапор: Коста-Ріка
- 🇫🇷 french: drapeau : Costa Rica
- 🇸🇦 arabic: العلم: كوستاريكا
- 🇯🇵 japan: 旗: コスタリカ
- 🇪🇸 spanish: bandera: Costa Rica
flag: Costa Rica emoji 🇨🇷 in Other Platforms