11 0
Emoji | 🇸🇻 |
Codepoint | U+1F1F8-1F1FB |
Category | flags |
Subcategory | country-flag |
flag: El Salvador (U+1F1F8-1F1FB)
The emoji 🇸🇻 represents the flag of El Salvador, a country in Central America. The flag consists of three horizontal stripes in the colors blue, white, and blue, with a coat of arms in the center. The coat of arms features a round emblem with a volcano, a lake, and the words "REPÚBLICA DE EL SALVADOR EN LA AMÉRICA CENTRAL" (Republic of El Salvador in Central America) encircling it. This emoji is often used to represent El Salvador, its culture, or to show support for the country. It can also be used in a more general sense to represent Central America or the Americas as a whole.
flag: El Salvador emoji text examples
- 1. 👋 🇸🇻 "Saying goodbye to a friend who is moving to El Salvador"
- 2. 🎉 🇸🇻 "Celebrating a birthday with a friend who has roots in El Salvador"
- 3. 📸 🇸🇻 "Sharing a photo from a recent trip to El Salvador"
- 4. 🍽️ 🇸🇻 "Cooking a traditional El Salvadoran meal with friends"
- 5. 🎗️ 🇸🇻 "Supporting El Salvador in the World Cup"
- Additional examples with other emojis:
- 1. 👋 🌍 "Saying goodbye as you embark on a trip around the world"
- 2. 🎉 🎂 "Celebrating a birthday with a cake and balloons"
- 3. 📸 🏞️ "Sharing a beautiful landscape photo from a hike"
- 4. 🍽️ 🍲 "Cooking a warm and hearty soup on a cold day"
- 5. 🎗️ 🏆 "Supporting your favorite team in the championship game"
flag: El Salvador emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Flagge: El Salvador
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 旗: 薩爾瓦多
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: прапор: Сальвадор
- 🇫🇷 french: drapeau : Salvador
- 🇸🇦 arabic: العلم: السلفادور
- 🇯🇵 japan: 旗: エルサルバドル
- 🇪🇸 spanish: bandera: el salvador
flag: El Salvador emoji 🇸🇻 in Other Platforms