140 9
Emoji | 👤 |
Codepoint | U+1f464 |
Category | people & body |
Subcategory | person-symbol |
bust in silhouette Emoji Kitchen Combinations
🩷 + 👤 = 

❤️ + 👤 = 

🧡 + 👤 = 

💛 + 👤 = 

💚 + 👤 = 

🩵 + 👤 = 

💙 + 👤 = 

💙 + 👤 = 

💜 + 👤 = 

🤎 + 👤 = 

bust in silhouette (U+1f464)
bust in silhouetteuserpersonhuman
The "Person" emoji, depicted as a head and shoulders viewed from the front, is often used to represent a generic person, a user, or the self in digital communications. It can indicate identity, individuality, or a human element in text-based conversations, and may also serve as a placeholder for a specific person or group in more abstract contexts. This emoji can be used inclusively, regardless of gender or identity, to convey a universal human experience.
bust in silhouette emoji text examples
- 1. "I can't believe I just met my favorite author 👤 at the book signing today!"
- 2. "I'm so excited to introduce you to my new colleague 👤, they're joining our team next week!"
- 3. "I ran into an old friend 👤 at the grocery store today, it was great to catch up!"
- 4. "I can't wait to see the keynote speaker 👤 at the conference next month!"
- 5. "I had a really interesting conversation with a stranger 👤 on the bus today, it made my commute go by so much faster!"
bust in silhouette emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Büste in Silhouette
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 半身像的剪影
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: бюст у силуеті
- 🇫🇷 french: buste en silhouette
- 🇸🇦 arabic: تمثال نصفي في صورة ظلية
- 🇯🇵 japan: バストのシルエット
- 🇪🇸 spanish: busto en silueta
bust in silhouette emoji 👤 in Other Platforms