person in manual wheelchair (U+1F9D1-200D-1F9BD)


The emoji 🧑‍🦽 depicts a person with a prosthetic leg, and is often used to represent disability, accessibility, or inclusion. This symbol is a part of the "Person With Prosthesis" category in the Emoji 13.0 standard. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as promoting awareness for disability rights, or indicating that a person, place, or service is accessible to those with disabilities.

person in manual wheelchair emoji text examples

  • 1. A social media post about accessibility and inclusion, featuring a picture of a person using a wheelchair (🧑‍🦽) and the text "Everybody is welcome here! #inclusive #accessibility #diversity".
  • 2. A blog article about the experiences of people with disabilities, with a section written by a guest author who uses a wheelchair (🧑‍🦽) and shares their personal story.
  • 3. A company's website that highlights its commitment to diversity and inclusion, featuring a photo of employees (🧑‍🦽) of different abilities working together.
  • 4. A tweet from a disability rights organization, featuring an image of a person using a wheelchair (🧑‍🦽) and the text "Breaking barriers, one step at a time. #disabilityrights #inclusion".
  • 5. A flyer for a community event promoting accessibility and inclusion, featuring an image of a person using a wheelchair (🧑‍🦽 "participating in a sports activity. "Join us for a day of fun and inclusion! #accessibility #disability #community".

person in manual wheelchair emoji in other languages:

  • 🇩🇪 german: Person im manuellen Rollstuhl
  • 🇨🇳 chinese: 手動輪椅上的人
  • 🇺🇦 ukrainian: людина в інвалідному візку з ручним керуванням
  • 🇫🇷 french: personne en fauteuil roulant manuel
  • 🇸🇦 arabic: شخص على كرسي متحرك يدوي
  • 🇯🇵 japan: 手動車椅子に乗っている人
  • 🇪🇸 spanish: persona en silla de ruedas manual

person in manual wheelchair emoji 🧑‍🦽 in Other Platforms

Apple (ios-13.2)
person in manual wheelchair on platform Apple
JoyPixels (5.5)
person in manual wheelchair on platform JoyPixels
Twitter (twemoji-12.1.5)
person in manual wheelchair on platform Twitter
Samsung (one-ui-2.1)
person in manual wheelchair on platform Samsung
BlobMoji (unicode12_1)
person in manual wheelchair on platform BlobMoji
Google (android-10.0-march-2020-feature-drop)
person in manual wheelchair on platform Google
OpenMoji (12.2)
person in manual wheelchair on platform OpenMoji
Facebook (13.0)
person in manual wheelchair on platform Facebook
Whatsapp (
person in manual wheelchair on platform Whatsapp
Microsoft (windows-11)
person in manual wheelchair on platform Microsoft
person in manual wheelchair on platform Microsoft Teams