man running facing right (U+1F3C3-200D-2642-FE0F-200D-27A1-FE0F)

arrowcardinaldirectioneastmale signmanmarathonperson runningright arrowrunning

This emoji depicts a man running to the right. It is often used to convey the idea of exercising, staying active, or moving quickly towards a goal. It can also be used to express excitement or eagerness to get somewhere or do something. Additionally, it can be used in the context of sports or competition to indicate a participant running towards the finish line.

man running facing right emoji text examples

  • 1. A man is jogging to the right, eager to start his morning workout.
  • 2. A businessman is rushing to catch his train, checking his watch as he jogs to the right.
  • 3. A tourist is hurrying to see the next attraction, moving quickly to the right.
  • 4. A detective is chasing after a suspect, sprinting to the right.
  • 5. A student is jogging to the right, trying to make it to class on time.

man running facing right emoji in other languages:

  • 🇩🇪 german: Mann rennt nach rechts
  • 🇨🇳 chinese: 面朝右跑的人
  • 🇺🇦 ukrainian: чоловік біжить обличчям праворуч
  • 🇫🇷 french: homme qui court vers la droite
  • 🇸🇦 arabic: رجل يركض باتجاه اليمين
  • 🇯🇵 japan: 右を向いて走っている男性
  • 🇪🇸 spanish: hombre corriendo mirando hacia la derecha

man running facing right emoji 🏃‍♂️‍➡️ in Other Platforms

Samsung (one-ui-6.0)
man running facing right on platform Samsung
Google (15.1)
man running facing right on platform Google
Apple (ios-17.4)
man running facing right on platform Apple