20204 1
Categorysmileys & emotion

smiling face with tear Emoji Kitchen Combinations

🪄 + 🥲 = magic_wand-smiling_face_with_tear
😀 + 🥲 = grinning-smiling_face_with_tear
😃 + 🥲 = smiley-smiling_face_with_tear
😄 + 🥲 = smile-smiling_face_with_tear
😁 + 🥲 = grin-smiling_face_with_tear
😆 + 🥲 = laughing-smiling_face_with_tear
😆 + 🥲 = laughing-smiling_face_with_tear
😅 + 🥲 = sweat_smile-smiling_face_with_tear
😂 + 🥲 = joy-smiling_face_with_tear
🤣 + 🥲 = rolling_on_the_floor_laughing-smiling_face_with_tear
See all 323 🥲 emoji kitchen combinations 

More Emojis from the face-affection subcategory

smiling face with tear (U+1f972)

smiling face with tearsadcrypretendsmiling face with tear

The emoji "🥲" is called "Pensive Face". It depicts a face with a single tear drop falling from one eye and a small, closed mouth. This emoji is often used to convey feelings of sadness, disappointment, or being moved to tears, whether from a happy or sad situation. It can also be used to express feeling emotionally overwhelmed, or to show concern or sympathy towards someone else's emotional state.

smiling face with tear emoji text examples

  • 1. A friend just told you they can't make it to your birthday party: "Aw man, 🥲 I was really looking forward to celebrating with you."
  • 2. You're watching a sad movie and the main character's pet dies: "I can't believe they did that to him 🥲 I'm not crying, you're crying!"
  • 3. You're reminiscing about a past relationship: "I thought I had found 'the one' with him, but it didn't work out 🥲"
  • 4. You're feeling overwhelmed with work and personal responsibilities: "I have so much to do and not enough time 🥲 I don't know how I'm going to get it all done."
  • 5. You're feeling homesick while away on a trip: "I miss my family and my own bed 🥲 I can't wait to go home."

smiling face with tear emoji popularity

Overall usage trend: decreasing.
smiling face with tear emoji ranks 🥇 1st among all 1950 emojis.
smiling face with tear emoji ranks 🥇 1st within the smileys & emotion category among a total of 168 emojis.
smiling face with tear emoji ranks 🥇 1st within the face-affection subcategory among a total of 9 emojis.

smiling face with tear emoji in other languages:

  • 🇩🇪 german: lächelndes Gesicht mit Tränen
  • 🇨🇳 chinese: 含著淚水的笑臉
  • 🇺🇦 ukrainian: усміхнене обличчя зі сльозами
  • 🇫🇷 french: visage souriant avec une larme
  • 🇸🇦 arabic: وجه مبتسم بالدموع
  • 🇯🇵 japan: 涙を浮かべた笑顔
  • 🇪🇸 spanish: cara sonriente con lágrima

smiling face with tear emoji 🥲 in Other Platforms

Emojipedia (13.0)
smiling face with tear on platform Emojipedia
OpenMoji (12.2)
smiling face with tear on platform OpenMoji
Twitter (twemoji-13.0)
smiling face with tear on platform Twitter
JoyPixels (6.0)
smiling face with tear on platform JoyPixels
BlobMoji (unicode13_0)
smiling face with tear on platform BlobMoji
Facebook (13.0)
smiling face with tear on platform Facebook
Google (android-11.0)
smiling face with tear on platform Google
Samsung (one-ui-2.5)
smiling face with tear on platform Samsung
Apple (ios-14.2)
smiling face with tear on platform Apple
Whatsapp (
smiling face with tear on platform Whatsapp
Microsoft (windows-11)
smiling face with tear on platform Microsoft
smiling face with tear on platform Microsoft Teams
smiling face with tear on platform Emojiall Bubble
smiling face with tear on platform Emojiall Classic
Telegram (telemoji-october-2022)
smiling face with tear on platform Telegram
HuaWei (1.0)
smiling face with tear on platform HuaWei