55 0
Emoji | 🧑🌾 |
Codepoint | U+1F9D1-200D-1F33E |
Category | people & body |
Subcategory | person-role |
Skin tones
farmer (U+1F9D1-200D-1F33E)
The emoji "🧑🌾" is called "Farmer" and is a combination of the person and farming symbols. This emoji represents a person who works as a farmer, grows or cultivates crops and takes care of animals. It can also be used to denote someone who enjoys farming, gardening, or being in the countryside. Additionally, it can be used to promote sustainability, organic food, or support local farmers.
farmer emoji text examples
- 1. "I love spending my weekends 🧑🌾, it's so peaceful and rewarding to grow my own food."
- 2. "My grandpa was a 🧑🌾 all his life and passed down his love for farming to me."
- 3. "I'm thinking of starting a small 🧑🌾 as a side hustle, growing organic fruits and vegetables."
- 4. "I was so proud to see the 🧑🌾 at the local farmers market, selling fresh produce they grew themselves."
- 5. "Being a 🧑🌾 is hard work, but it's worth it to live a sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle."
farmer emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Bauer
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 農民
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: фермер
- 🇫🇷 french: fermier
- 🇸🇦 arabic: مزارع
- 🇯🇵 japan: 農家
- 🇪🇸 spanish: agricultor
farmer emoji 🧑🌾 in Other Platforms