88 0
Emoji | 🧑🚒 |
Codepoint | U+1F9D1-200D-1F692 |
Category | people & body |
Subcategory | person-role |
Skin tones
firefighter (U+1F9D1-200D-1F692)
This emoji depicts a person (depicted as a gender-neutral character) wearing a firefighter's helmet and uniform, holding a firehose. It represents a firefighter, and is used to convey ideas related to firefighting, first responders, emergency services, or bravery. It can be used in conversations or posts about fire safety, emergency situations, or to show appreciation for first responders and firefighters.
firefighter emoji text examples
- 1. A firefighter helping to put out a fire in a burning building.
- 2. A group of firefighters working together to rescue a person trapped in a car accident.
- 3. A firefighter teaching children about fire safety during a school visit.
- 4. A firefighter responding to a call for help during a natural disaster.
- 5. A firefighter climbing a ladder to reach a person trapped in a high-rise building.
firefighter emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Feuerwehrmann
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 消防隊員
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: пожежний
- 🇫🇷 french: sapeur pompier
- 🇸🇦 arabic: رجال الاطفاء
- 🇯🇵 japan: 消防士
- 🇪🇸 spanish: bombero
firefighter emoji 🧑🚒 in Other Platforms