woman with veil (U+1F470-200D-2640-FE0F)


The emoji 👰‍♀️ depicts a woman in a wedding dress, with a veil covering her face and hair. This emoji is often used to represent a bride, and is commonly used in the context of weddings, engagements, or other romantic events. It can also be used to express excitement or happiness about getting married or being in a committed relationship. Additionally, this emoji can be used to represent the concept of marriage or matrimony in a more general sense. In some cases, it may also be used to represent traditional gender roles or to make a statement about societal expectations around marriage.

woman with veil emoji text examples

  • 1. "I'm so excited to walk down the aisle and become a married woman! 👰‍♀️"
  • 2. "My best friend is getting married next month, and she looks absolutely stunning in her wedding dress! 👰‍♀️"
  • 3. "I've always dreamed of being a bride and wearing a beautiful white gown on my wedding day. 👰‍♀️"
  • 4. "I can't believe I'm finally a married woman! Time to dance the night away at my reception. 👰‍♀️"
  • 5. "I love playing dress-up and pretending to be a bride. It's so much fun to put on the veil and the gown and feel like a princess. 👰‍♀️"

woman with veil emoji in other languages:

  • 🇩🇪 german: Frau mit Schleier
  • 🇨🇳 chinese: 戴面紗的女人
  • 🇺🇦 ukrainian: жінка з вуаллю
  • 🇫🇷 french: femme avec voile
  • 🇸🇦 arabic: امرأة مع الحجاب
  • 🇯🇵 japan: ベールをかぶった女性
  • 🇪🇸 spanish: mujer con velo

woman with veil emoji 👰‍♀️ in Other Platforms

Skype (1.2)
woman with veil on platform Skype
Twitter (twemoji-13.0)
woman with veil on platform Twitter
JoyPixels (6.0)
woman with veil on platform JoyPixels
BlobMoji (unicode13_0)
woman with veil on platform BlobMoji
Facebook (13.0)
woman with veil on platform Facebook
Google (android-11.0)
woman with veil on platform Google
Samsung (one-ui-2.5)
woman with veil on platform Samsung
Apple (ios-14.2)
woman with veil on platform Apple
OpenMoji (13.0)
woman with veil on platform OpenMoji
Whatsapp (
woman with veil on platform Whatsapp
Microsoft (windows-11)
woman with veil on platform Microsoft
woman with veil on platform Microsoft Teams