4118 22
Emoji | 🥅 |
Codepoint | U+1f945 |
Category | activities |
Subcategory | sport |
goal net Emoji Kitchen Combinations
🪄 + 🥅 = 

🥅 + 😀 = 

🥅 + 😃 = 

🥅 + 😄 = 

🥅 + 😁 = 

🥅 + 😆 = 

🥅 + 😅 = 

😂 + 🥅 = 

🥅 + 😂 = 

🥅 + 🤣 = 

goal net (U+1f945)
The emoji "🥅" is a hockey goal, commonly used to represent the sport of ice hockey or field hockey. It can also signify the concept of setting and achieving goals or targets, as the object of hockey is to score goals against the opposing team. Additionally, it can be used in a humorous or playful context to imply a connection to hockey or to refer to a desired outcome in a situation.
goal net emoji text examples
- 1. I've set a new goal for myself this year 🥅. I'm determined to run a marathon!
- 2. My daughter has been practicing really hard for her soccer game tomorrow 🥅. I hope she scores a goal!
- 3. I'm so excited to finally start working on my passion project 🥅. I've been thinking about it for months!
- 4. My son and I love playing street hockey together 🥅. It's a great way to spend time together and get some exercise.
- 5. I'm feeling really motivated to improve my skills in the kitchen 🥅. I'm going to start by learning how to make a new dish every week!
goal net emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Tornetz
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 球門網
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: сітка воріт
- 🇫🇷 french: filet de but
- 🇸🇦 arabic: صافي الهدف
- 🇯🇵 japan: ゴールネット
- 🇪🇸 spanish: portería neta
goal net emoji 🥅 in Other Platforms