20830 1
Emoji | 🥠 |
Codepoint | U+1f960 |
Category | food & drink |
Subcategory | food-asian |
fortune cookie Emoji Kitchen Combinations
🪄 + 🥠 = 

😂 + 🥠 = 

😘 + 🥠 = 

🥰 + 🥠 = 

😍 + 🥠 = 

🙃 + 🥠 = 

😔 + 🥠 = 

🥺 + 🥠 = 

😎 + 🥠 = 

👻 + 🥠 = 

fortune cookie (U+1f960)
fortune cookiefoodprophecydessert
The emoji 🥠 depicts a soy sauce bottle, which is a small container commonly used to serve soy sauce as a condiment, especially with sushi or sashimi. In digital communication, this emoji can be used to indicate a love for Japanese cuisine, a desire for soy sauce, or a nod to the Asian culture. It can also represent a bottle or container in a more general sense.
fortune cookie emoji text examples
- 1. "I can't believe I won the spicy noodle eating contest! 🥠"
- 2. "I'm so excited to try out this new sushi restaurant tonight! 🥠"
- 3. "I'm going to need some serious breath mints after this garlic-filled dinner! 🥠"
- 4. "I'm going to make my famous spicy tuna rolls for the party tonight! 🥠"
- 5. "I'm not sure if I can handle the heat of this habanero salsa! 🥠"
- Note: The emoji 🥠 is a "Ninja" which is a type of warrior from Japan, known for their stealth and martial arts skills. It is often used to represent something that is spicy or hot, as in the examples above.
fortune cookie emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Glückskeks
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 幸運餅乾
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: печиво фортуни
- 🇫🇷 french: biscuit chinois
- 🇸🇦 arabic: كعكة الحظ
- 🇯🇵 japan: おみくじ入りクッキー
- 🇪🇸 spanish: galleta de la fortuna
fortune cookie emoji 🥠 in Other Platforms