15506 151
Emoji | 🚦 |
Codepoint | U+1f6a6 |
Category | travel & places |
Subcategory | transport-ground |
vertical traffic light Emoji Kitchen Combinations
🪄 + 🚦 = 

😂 + 🚦 = 

😘 + 🚦 = 

🥰 + 🚦 = 

😍 + 🚦 = 

🙃 + 🚦 = 

😔 + 🚦 = 

🥺 + 🚦 = 

😎 + 🚦 = 

👻 + 🚦 = 

vertical traffic light (U+1f6a6)
vertical traffic lighttransportationdriving
The emoji 🚦, also known as "Traffic Light," represents a visual cue for controlling road traffic. It typically shows three lights - red, yellow, and green - that indicate when it is safe to proceed, slow down, or stop. This emoji is often used in text messages, social media posts, and digital communication to convey the concept of caution, warning, or permission to move forward. It can also be used metaphorically to suggest a transition or change in a situation.
vertical traffic light emoji text examples
- 🚦🚧 Road Closed: Use this emoji combination when you want to warn others about a road closure or detour. For example, "Sorry, can't make it to the meeting today. The road is closed 🚦🚧, and I can't get through."
- 🚦🚕 Uber Alert: Use this emoji combination when you need to order an Uber or Lyft. For example, "Hey, I'm running late. Can you order me an Uber 🚦🚕 to the airport?"
- 🚦🏎️ Racing: Use this emoji combination when you want to talk about racing or fast cars. For example, "I'm so excited for the race this weekend 🚦🏎️! I hope my favorite driver wins."
- 🚦🚧 Construction Zone: Use this emoji combination when you want to talk about construction or a construction zone. For example, "Be careful on your way to work 🚦🚧, there's a lot of construction happening on the highway."
- 🚦🚑 Emergency: Use this emoji combination when you want to talk about an emergency or medical situation. For example, "I need to call an ambulance 🚦🚑, my friend just had an accident."
vertical traffic light emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: vertikale Ampel
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 垂直交通燈
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: вертикальний світлофор
- 🇫🇷 french: feu de circulation vertical
- 🇸🇦 arabic: إشارة المرور العمودية
- 🇯🇵 japan: 垂直信号機
- 🇪🇸 spanish: semáforo vertical
vertical traffic light emoji 🚦 in Other Platforms