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pushpin (U+1F4CC)
The emoji "📌" is called "Pin" or "Pushpin." It represents the action of pinning or marking something as important or noteworthy. This emoji is often used in digital contexts, such as on social media or messaging apps, to highlight or draw attention to a specific message or piece of content. It can also be used to indicate that a user has saved or bookmarked a particular post or webpage. Additionally, the pin emoji can represent physical pushpins used to attach notes or maps to a bulletin board or wall.
pushpin emoji text examples
- 📌 Pinning a tweet to the top of your Twitter profile
- * "Just added a new job posting to our company's careers page! Check it out here: [link] 📌"
- 📌 Marking a location on a map
- * "Meeting friends for brunch at this cute spot in the city 📌 #foodie #brunchgoals"
- 📌 Highlighting an important message or reminder
- * "Don't forget to bring your laptop to the meeting tomorrow! 📌"
- 📌 Adding a note or label to a document or file
- * "Here's the final version of the report, with all of the changes marked in yellow 📌"
- 📌 Saving a link or bookmark in a web browser
- * "Just saved this recipe to my bookmarks for later 📌 #yum"
pushpin emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Reißzwecke
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 圖釘
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: канцелярська кнопка
- 🇫🇷 french: punaise
- 🇸🇦 arabic: دبوس
- 🇯🇵 japan: プッシュピン
- 🇪🇸 spanish: chincheta
pushpin emoji 📌 in Other Platforms