4503 1
Emoji | 🦔 |
Codepoint | U+1f994 |
Category | animals & nature |
Subcategory | animal-mammal |
hedgehog Emoji Kitchen Combinations
🪄 + 🦔 = 

😀 + 🦔 = 

😃 + 🦔 = 

😄 + 🦔 = 

😁 + 🦔 = 

😆 + 🦔 = 

😅 + 🦔 = 

😂 + 🦔 = 

😂 + 🦔 = 

🤣 + 🦔 = 

hedgehog (U+1f994)
This emoji depicts a hedgehog, a small spiky-covered mammal known for its cute appearance and slow movement. It is often used to represent cuteness, as people find hedgehogs adorable and appealing. Additionally, the hedgehog emoji can also be used to indicate slowness, timidity, or caution, as hedgehogs are generally cautious animals and roll into a ball when they feel threatened.
hedgehog emoji text examples
- 1. "I'm feeling a bit prickly today, just like a hedgehog 🦔."
- 2. "Check out this cute stuffed animal I got for my nephew 🦔!"
- 3. "I saw a hedgehog on my walk this morning, it was so adorable 🦔!"
- 4. "I'm working on a new craft project, a hedgehog inspired knitted hat 🦔"
- 5. "I'm volunteering at the local wildlife rescue center and taking care of a baby hedgehog 🦔"
hedgehog emoji in other languages:
- 🇩🇪 german: Igel
- 🇨🇳 chinese: 刺蝟
- 🇺🇦 ukrainian: їжак
- 🇫🇷 french: hérisson
- 🇸🇦 arabic: قنفذ
- 🇯🇵 japan: ハリネズミ
- 🇪🇸 spanish: erizo
hedgehog emoji 🦔 in Other Platforms